A resource written specifically for the MFM1P course.
Foundations of Mathematics 9 program is a carefully blended mix of print and digital resources.
- Student Edition features assessment opportunities and EQAO support integrated throughout
- CONNECTschool for Students includes personalization tools and integrated learning assets including videos, interactive lessons and activities, self-study quizzes and study plans
- Teachers Resources (Print + CD) includes success criteria, assessment,EQAO support, editable Blackline Masters and rubrics on CD
- CONNECTschool for Teachers includes the complete interactive student resource, TR, a wealth of media assets, PowerPoints, interactive lessons and activities, quiz builder and the ability to customize your course content
- Student Success Solutions CD includes additional EQAO support including tips for teaching students and parents; formula sheets and SMARTBoard solutions
- The Computerized Assessment Bank (ExamView) includes hundreds of questions including EQAO style questions