Peoples and Cultural Change | Aboriginal Studies Series - Peoples And Cultural Change - Student Text - 9781552206041, Peoples and Cultural Change | Aboriginal Studies Series - Peoples And Cultural Change - Teachers Guide - 9781554460670
10.23 Grams
Peoples and Cultural Change
Authors: Kainai Board of Education, Métis Nation of Alberta, Northland School Division and Tribal Chiefs Institute of Treaty Six
The Aboriginal Studies resources were written from an Aboriginal perspective to fit the Alberta Aboriginal Studies 10, 20 and 30 curricula. These resources were reviewed by Elders from across Alberta.
Key Features:
- A unique approach to teaching First Nations, Métis and Inuit history, culture and issues
- Effective chapter organizers provide material to consider as students begin and end each chapter
- First-hand stories, ideas, viewpoints and experiences of Aboriginal people
- Profiles of contemporary and historical people and their contributions
- Detailed maps, photos and informative timelines that illustrate and summarize significant topics
- Talking Circle activities to encourage discussion and reflect Aboriginal traditions
- Special features on Issues for Investigation, Indigenous Knowledge and Symbolism, and Expression
- Chapters end with a review to check understanding, encourage reflection, and apply and broaden knowledge and skills