Open Court Reading Foundational Skills Kits - Kindergarten - Practice Pre-Decodable and Decodable Books | ClassroomSet (6 each of 42 titles) - 9780076665105
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Open Court Reading - Grade K (Decodable Books)
For more than 50 years Open Court Reading has helped educators build strong readers, writers, and critical thinkers.
With an explicit, systematic approach to teaching, learning is exciting and empowering for all students.
Students learn to:
-Build capacity for Foundational Skills
-Develop robust vocabulary
-Practice and refine skills to understand complex text
-Collaborate with peers during the inquiry and research process
-Write with the support of writing models as guides
-Strengthen grammar, usage, and mechanics skills
Lessons are divided into three main parts: Foundational Skills, Reading and Responding, and Language Arts.
All three parts are enhanced and supported by a range of differentiation resources for students at all levels of ability.
Instruction is organized into units, each of which revolves around a central theme.
Unit Themes recur and evolve across grade levels, introducing more rigorous skills and deepening students subject-area knowledge.
The Open Court Reading assessment cycle continues lesson by lesson, with built-in tools for progress monitoring and differentiation.
Lesson Assessments follow every lesson, and every unit concludes with a Unit Assessment.
Benchmark Assessments are available for monitoring student progress periodically throughout the year.
Open Court Reading Components:
Kindergarten Complete Classroom Package includes: Foundational Skills Kit, Big Book Package, 25 copies of First Reader, 25 copies of Core PreDecodable and Decodable 4-colour Takehome, 25 copies of Skills Practice Workbook 1 & 2, Teachers Editions (6), Program Overview, Lesson and Unit Assessment Blackline Masters/Annotated Teacher Edition Book 1 & 2, Diagnostic/ Benchmark Assessment Book, Skills Practice Blackline Masters/Annotated Teacher Edition Book 1 & 2, Intervention Blackline Masters/Annotated Teacher Edition, 6-year Teacher Subscription and 25 6-year Student Subscriptions
Grade 1 - 3 Student Comprehensive Package includes: Student Anthologies Book 1 & 2, First Reader, Skills Practice Workbook 1 & 2, Lesson and Unit Assessment Workbook 1& 2, Core PreDecodable and Decodable 4-colour Takehome Book 1 & 2, and 6-year Student Subscription
Grade 1 - 3 Standard Student Package inlcudes: 1 ea. of Student Anthologies Book 1 & 2, First Reader, and 6-year Student Subscription
Grade 1 - 3 Teachers Editions Package includes: Volumes 1 - 6, Program Overview, 6 year Teacher Subscription
Grade 1 - 3 Foundational Skills Kits- For more information see page 6
SRA Open Court Reading Foundational Skills Kits for grades K-3 provide decode and encode written language skills that are the basis for reading fluency, writing fluency and reading comprehension.
-Complements any core reading and language arts curriculum by providing additional foundational skills practice
-Supplements any leveled reading program by linking reading with essential foundational skills instruction to create a combined reading and phonics module
-Works as a stand-alone foundational skills program
SRA Open Court Reading Foundational Skills Kits help students learn these sound/symbol correspondences by:
-Providing explicit instruction in blending all the sounds into words
-Building fluency, a key to comprehension, through the use of decodable books
-Connecting spelling to phonics through dictation
-Transitioning at the end of grade 2 from phonics instruction to word analysis through the end of grade 3
-Developing oral language and vocabulary daily through a variety of activities
Instruction Overview by Grade Level:
-Kindergarten: Students develop phonemic awareness and learn about print concepts, sounds, letters and the alphabetic principle
-Grade 1: Students learn sound-spelling correspondences, practice blending and segmenting, and develop initial spelling strategies
-Grade 2: Students expand on fluency and continue to learn the mechanics of decoding and encoding
-Grade 3: Students analyze word structure to unlock meanings of words to read with both fluency and comprehension
Foundational Skills Kit Components:
Kindergarten includes: Alphabet Sound Wall Cards, Small Group Alphabet Sound Cards, Individual Alphabet Sound Cards (4), Hi-Frequency Flash Cards, Decodable Takehome BLM, Magnetic Letters, Pocket Chart, Individual Pocket Chart, Pocket Chart Picture Cards, Pocket Chart Word Cards, Lion Puppet, Alphabet Letter Cards (uppercase/ lowercase), Magnetic Dry Erase Board, Alphabet Little Book, Pickled Peppers Little Book, Letter Cubes, EL Photo Cards
Grade 1 includes: Alphabet Sound/Spelling Wall Cards, Small Group Alphabet Sound/Spelling Cards, Individual Alphabet Sound/Spelling Cards (4), Hi-Frequency Flash Cards, Decodable Takehome BLM (2), Magnetic Letters, Individual Pocket Chart, Lion Puppet, Alphabet Letter Cards (uppercase/lowercase), Magnetic Dry Erase Board, Rhyme Stew Little Book, Letter Cubes, EL Photo Cards
Foundational Skills Kit Components:
Grade 2 and Grade 3 includes: Alphabet Sound/Spelling Wall Cards, Small Group Alphabet Sound/Spelling Cards, Individual Alphabet Sound/Spelling Cards (4), Hi-Frequency Flash Cards, Decodable Takehome BLM, Alphabet Letter Cards (uppercase/lowercase), Word Cubes, EL Photo Cards