My Math - Teacher Editions (Print Only)-Grade 4 | Volume 1 - 9780021383993, My Math - Teacher Editions (Print Only)-Grade 4 | Volume 2 - 9780021384006
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My Math - Teacher Editions (Print Only)-Grade 4
McGraw-Hill My Math provides an intuitive lesson format with digital tools to customize content. You can plan, sequence, and deliver instruction that works best for your students. Students can also practice math in multiple ways throughout the learning cycle.
Student Edition Plus Online eStudent Edition
The online Student Centre engages students with intuitive digital resources they can access from various digital devices. A homework section lets students view assignments that teachers post through a message board. Online Student Centre includes: Chapter Videos, Animals, Math Adventures, Personal Tutors, and Visual Vocabulary Cards. Organized to emphasize Mathematical Practices, this interactive Student Edition makes learning fun and exciting.
-Contains everything students need to learn and practice math
-Includes vocabulary support, homework pages, and lessons on problem solving
-Connects hands-on activities with real-world learning experiences
-Consumable; write-in text; 2 volumes per grade
-Includes access to online student centre
eStudent Edition CD-ROM
This product contains the entire Student Edition in digital format along with associated student resources.
-Includes audio for emerging readers
-Contains digital assets such as animations, tutors, and concepts in motion
-Provides easy access and transportability
-Includes access to the Student Centre
Teacher Edition Plus Online eTeacher Edition
The Teacher Edition helps personalize teaching and supports differentiated instructional practices in the classroom.
-Contains practical tips to support effective use of classroom instructional time
-Includes point-of-use references to all the digital resources and makes planning and teaching easier Spiral-bound, 2 volumes per grade, available individually or as a package.
McGraw-Hill My Math Teacher Centre provides a simple, easy-to-access online teacher site for all the digital resources.
Teachers can organize resources to personalize lesson planning, instruction, and intervention. Access included with Online eTeacher Edition.
-Includes an online version of the Teacher Edition
-Allows teachers to adapt sequence for optimum customization
-Provides ability to customize or create online lesson presentations
-Includes message board for teachers to post class announcements
-Contains a homework section to post class assignments
Real-World Problem Solving Readers
These readers deliver multi-level mathematics and real-world problem solving content to meet the needs of all students in the classroom.
-Available in three versions: Approaching, On-Level, Beyond
-Help students connect mathematical strategies to real-world situations
-Strengthen students ability to analyze and apply mathematical skills
-There are 12 readers for Kindergarten and 15 readers for Grades 1-5