Registration Forms
Eligibility Questionnaire (DOC)
Nelson Education Ltd. is pleased to offer multiple training options for the new Woodcock-Johnson® IV (WJ IV) test. Our lineup of professional development opportunities are below -- register for a class today to ensure you can get the most out of your WJ IV testing experience!
Upcoming WJ IV training
Nelson will be hosting a WJ IV Achievement & Cognitive Workshop. This training is an introduction to the tool and theory behind the tool, as well as practical administration guidelines and introduction to online scoring platform.
Single day workshops on the Tests of Achievement, the Tests of Cognitive Abilities, the Tests of Oral Language, or What's New in the WJ IV (half day Achievement battery, half day Cognitive battery). Each test battery is offered as a full day workshop, each workshop consists of a full day of training.
1 Day Training WJ IV Achievement Battery $300
1 Day Training WJ IV Cognitive Battery $300
2 Day Training WJ IV Achievement and Oral Language Batteries $550
2 Day Training WJ IV Cognitive and Achievement Batteries $550
3 Day Training WJ IV Achievement, Cognitive and Oral Language Batteries $750
1 Day Training WJ IV ECAD (Test of Early Cognitive and Academic Development) $300
Onsite Training – customized to meet needs, up to 30 participants
1 Day $4000
2 Day $8000
3 Day $12000
This hands-on training will provide the background and technical properties of the WJ IV. Best practices of administration, scoring, and interpretation of results will be demonstrated. Participants will gain the knowledge necessary to administer and interpret WJ IV scores.
Please contact Nelson Assessment for upcoming dates:
1. Fill Out Order Form (PDF)
2. Fill Out TUQF Form (PDF)*
3. Email [email protected]
*All assessment orders require an approved Test User Qualification Form (TUQF) to be completed. Please fill in the form and submit with your order.
Send us an email:
[email protected]